I got the Midnight Club. My result was not very good. It says "It's a dead man's party. You've got... cancer! This life sucks. See you in the next one." UGH. I would rather have Whisper of Death. I do need a vacation!
I got Execution of Innocence. My little picture says "Sex! Alcohol! Lesbians! Murder! Good God, you've been busy! What would your parents think?"
Considering the fact that I am a straight virgin who doesn't drink and has a clean police record, I'd say this quiz ain't too accurate. But still kinda fun.
Um, I got the same one. I think that quiz is rigged.
I got the Midnight Club. My result was not very good. It says "It's a dead man's party. You've got... cancer! This life sucks. See you in the next one." UGH. I would rather have Whisper of Death. I do need a vacation!
I got Execution of Innocence. My little picture says "Sex! Alcohol! Lesbians! Murder! Good God, you've been busy! What would your parents think?"
Considering the fact that I am a straight virgin who doesn't drink and has a clean police record, I'd say this quiz ain't too accurate. But still kinda fun.
I am Remember Me. Yes! My fave.
You are Remember Me, You dead Fuck. Ha ha Awesome
Whisper of Death is one of three books that ever scared me so much I had to physically throw the book away.
Even though it was a library book.
I am Whisper of Death, too.
I should probably read the book now.
Whisper of Death and Die Softly. Boo, I dislike both books.
The ultimate aim of the ego is not to see something, but to be something. See the link below for more info.
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